Software : Opera 3 Fixed Assets

Does your business have so many fixed assets it’s hard to keep track of their value? That might mean you’re not making the most of their value or managing them in the most efficient way. 

Fixed Assets in Opera 3 maintains a complete register of your company’s assets from initial acquisition through to disposal. This helps you keep control of the resources your company has invested in, avoid misappropriation, and manage them efficiently.


It caters for all types of assets, including:

  • Finance or Operating Lease
  • HP/Lease Purchase
  • Company Owned
  • Inter Group
  • Capitalised

Take the pain out of depreciation calculations

Fixed Assets calculates and records depreciation for the life of the asset, and can be linked to the Opera 3 Nominal Ledger for automatic depreciation journal postings. Opening balances and depreciation to date can be recorded for assets acquired in previous periods or years. It is easy to create asset records, using Category Groups and Asset Categories, and, when linked to the Opera 3 Purchase Ledger or PIR/POP modules, supplier invoice lines can also create Assets.


  • Methods of depreciation: Straight Line Amount, Straight Line Percentage, Reducing Balance, Immediate Write Down, Manual
  • Depreciation calculated per period or days in period
  • Ability to change depreciation method and backdate depreciation charges
  • Optional link to Nominal Ledger with Cost Centre and Advanced Nominal analysis
  • Facility to update the Nominal Ledger with the depreciation calculation in real time
  • Assets grouped by Categories and Balance Sheet Groups
  • Facility to record asset quantities
  • Full or partial disposals; disposal methods can be defined by the user
  • Ability to create and link sub-assets to an existing asset
  • Asset location and reporting facility
  • Full or partial asset transfer for locations or cost centres
  • Revaluation of current year and prior year assets
  • Numbering of assets defined by the user or automatically
  • Ability to re-number main assets, with automatic sub-asset numbering
  • Facility to enter opening balances for assets acquired in previous periods or years
  • Depreciation method, depreciation rate and category override facility
  • Facility to record finance, supplier and insurance details
  • Previous year depreciation and adjustments
  • Report on depreciation charges for up to 24 Nominal periods
  • Fully automated utility for upgrading from Opera Fixed Assets
  • User-definable fields may be added to Category Groups
  • Global insurance update for percentage or fixed amount increases or decreases
  • Integration with Opera 3 Pegasus Dashboards, Pegasus XRL, Document Management and Pegasus Instant Messenger


Standard Reports include

  • Depreciation forecast report
  • Additions report
  • Disposals/Transfers reports
  • Extensive audit trails
  • Statutory Movement report

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